Kafe Galeb 3 - Cafe & Bar

  • (2 reviews)
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Public transport
  • Aerodrom Nikola Tesla (44 m)
  • Aerodrom Nikola Tesla (dolasci) (100 m)
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Jedini bar pre pasoške kontrole, što je samo po sebi loše po aerodrom. Jutros sam sa još četiri člana porodice doručkovala u Galebu 3, pre njihovog poletanja. Ukratko: wraps (tortilje) su veoma loše. Vege varijanta je napunjena cveklom, nekim nedefinisanim povrćem, a crnim i belim lukom u ogromnim količinama, i uz to su gnjecave, a one sa mesom su natopljene tečnošću, takođe gnjecave i bezukusne. Svaka je koštala 850 dinara a dobili smo ih mlake, jedva ugrejane. Pola smo ostavili jer su bile veoma lošeg ukusa. Najskuplje plaćene splačine u životu. Izbegavati hranu u ovom restoranu!! Bolje doručkujte kod kuće.

  • 17-08-2023
Christian Lou Vlogs
Christian Lou Vlogs

Few minutes ago i went to this cafe at the airport as it was only the ones that has seats, the other one is only a stall. I chose the table at the corner and put my things. I came to the counter and approached the male staff, he seemed like not noticing me or not interested on taking my order. I told him I want an iced mocha,he said they dont have so I said that it’s in the menu. He got mad and told me if i got a problem of him being not able to make it. I said no and went back to my seat, but he was still furious and kept banging things in the counter. I understand that he is maybe tired and exhausted as I also work on customer service, but his attitude is not appropriate specaily in the airport where most customers are from other countries. It will leave a bad impression on serbians. So i got my things and bought my drink on the other cafe.

  • 02-07-2022
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