Candy Shops Jagodina


1. Slatka Kuća Swisslion Takovo - Cookies & Candies

2. Slatko Srce - Cookies & Candies

3. Vanilica - Cookies & Candies

Candy Shops Jagodina

Are you thinking about an original gift, planning Christmas or New Year's presents, or simply enjoying sweets? Here is a list of shops that specialise in the production and sale of the sweetest and most beloved delicacies - from candies and caramels of various flavours, waffles, cookies and biscuits, chocolates and creams, to unique-flavoured bonbons, cakes and desserts. Perhaps more than that, you will be delighted with the original and irresistible packaging that makes these products the perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, and other important dates for you and your loved ones. If you are a fan of homemade sweets, these special "sweet shops" offer the widest range of sweets, confectionery products, and desserts for all occasions.

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