- Jovana Mikića 94, 24110 Subotica
- Železničko naselje
Public transport
Skrob (186 m)
- 3
Pruga Subotica (305 m)
- 8
- 8A
Working Hours
- Monday 07:00-20:00
- Tuesday 07:00-20:00
- Wednesday 07:00-20:00
- Thursday 07:00-20:00
- Friday 07:00-20:00
- Saturday 07:30-15:30
- Sunday closed
Borislav Pijontek
1 review
Dali imate razvodnik palenja za opel kadet 1,3ohc motor i cena
Csonka László
2 reviews
Cena akumlataora za Lagunu 740AH 680A 12v molim!
Dragan Bursac
1 review
posto vam je akumulator od 55ah
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