Hirurgija Dr. Đoković - Specialist Surgical Hospital
- Trebinjska 7, Beograd (Voždovac)
- 011/285-1125
- 064/119-5934
Jelena Mrkalj
Sve pohvale za Dr.Djurisica,i osoblje klinike.
- 04-01-2025
Daniel Jullius
The worst possible clinic anywhere. I had a plastic operation and liposuction. The doctors have been reassuring me that the intervention was successful. Maybe because patient has not died. After 2 months of agony i have more lines on my face then before and my BMI has increased from 17.1 to 21.3. It is not only waste of 8,500€ but a real agony i had to go through. Beware of false promises
- 24-10-2018
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