DO NOT come to this hospital. i will keep this short and to the point. We chose this hospital since Serbia is limited in maternity hospitals. On the day of labor, our main doctor, Dr. Kardeglia, never showed up and wasnt professional enough to inform us he would not show up. We were left with the worst doctor, Dr Nemanja Visnjevac. Any concerns i had, he was rude and bullying. Here is a list This man never smiled at me or my partner. He never looked at my chart in the computer system from the last appointment. He then decided to 'induce my labor' by him sticking his hand into me to break my water WITHOUT NOTICE. Not only was it painful , he appeared to be wearing sandwich gloves you would find at the ikea bakery section.He broke the water to speed things up which was not necessary. My bed was flat and not reclining as was advertised to us , so i was flat on my back during contractions and it was completely horrible. Dr Nemanja Visnjevac also decides to administer painkillers within 5 minutes of me going into active labor. As a result? My baby was born NOT CRYING AND LIMP.(This drug is not to be given within an hour of active labor for these reasons.) This affected her APGAR score. We had a VERY healthy pregnancy with proof, so there was NO other reason for this to happen besides his medical error. In the delivery room, you have random people who should not be there(janitor, manager Sanya, etc) just watching what is supposed to be an intimate moment. Dr Nemanja Visnjevac came into the room after my labor and kicked out my partner by saying ' i think you need to rest, i know what is best for you'. my partner is in the room because we were both trying to understand wtf happened in the labor room. Dr Nemanja Visnjevac came into my room several times to mock and bully me. These are a list of things he said': ' I dont think you had the energy to push, i could tell.' 'Maybe youll do better next time you have another child'.' You know if you take an epidural or painkiller, its not a natural birth,right?' 'I was surpised to see your husband still in the room, his work is done'. Now, i will tell you this. Dr Nemanja Visnjevac is related to the owner(his father) and director(his cousin) of this hospital. So i dont expect any complaints about him to be taken seriously. He not only made a medical error but he tried to blame it on my lack of pushing(baby was out in 5-8 minutes, i cant go any faster than that!). Also, when leaving the hospital, a rude nurse stripped my sleeping newborn out of the hospital clothes and demanded we use our old clothes(which was dirty). It was very disappointing and disheartening to see this primitive behavior. Do not let this doctor touch your wives. To my foreign friends and Serbian friends alike. AVOID THIS HOSPITAL AT ALL COSTS. Go to the one in Belgrade. After i spoke to my regular obgyn in New York(who is board certified), she said this guy sounds like a nightmare. I would not recommend this place to my worst enemy. You are better off in a public hospital. Better yet, go to Germany , USA or some West Europe country to give birth, they DO NOT CARE at this hopital . DONT DO IT. I EXPERIENCED IT SO THAT YOU DONT HAVE TO! Believe me when i say , Dr Nemanja Visnjevac is the devil himself. He is very evil and does not care about women. He is not a real doctor. Run, dont walk!
- 06-10-2023
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