Decorama - Home Decor
- Sentandrejski put 11, Novi Sad
Rudest employee of the month award goes to this place. Regardless of the amount of money spend its never okay to raise your voice at someone else. least of all at a desolate empty store trying to hurry up someone when you have clearly nothing else to do on your shift while you wait for the last few years to your pension. the wrinkled redhead woman needs to take a lorazepam. Nagrada za najgrubljeg zaposlenika meseca ide ovom mestu. Bez obzira na količinu novca koju potrošite, nikada nije u redu podići glas nekom drugom. barem u pustoj praznoj prodavnici pokušavajući da požuriš nekoga kada očigledno nemate šta drugo da radite u svojoj smeni dok čekate poslednjih nekoliko godina do penzije. naborana crvenokosa žena treba da uzme lorazepam.
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