Wallpapering Čukarica


1. Moje Tapete - Custom Photo Wallpaper

  • Stevana Filipovića 72A, 11250 Beograd (Čukarica)
  • Železnik
  • 063/690-134

Wallpapering Čukarica

Photo wallpapers have become a trend in many homes in recent years. Whether it's the need to enhance the space with a beautiful photo motif or to break the monotony of white walls, photo wallpapers discreetly bring warmth and liveliness into the living space. They are particularly popular in children's rooms, where the walls are often covered with favourite cartoon characters of our little ones. Photo wallpapers can also be a practical solution for covering up some imperfections and stains from moisture or mould. From simple to the most complex motifs, today, literally anything that comes to mind can be found on your wall. You just need to contact an appropriate company and agree on the dimensions. The attached list contains the names and contact information of companies that specialise in producing photo wallpapers.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • On which surfaces can photo wallpapers be stuck?
  • Photo wallpapers can be pasted on all flat surfaces that do not have a texture.
  • Does the wall need to be prepared before installing photo wallpapers?
  • If the wall is painted and does not need additional whitewashing, then it does not need to be additionally prepared for gluing wallpaper.
  • Are photo wallpapers printed to measure?
  • Photo wallpapers are printed according to the measurements of the wall in the room where they will be.
  • Is it necessary to hire a professional to install photo wallpapers?
  • Hiring a craftsman is not necessary for gluing wallpaper. It is an individual procedure, because someone can manage on their own, and someone will need help. It all depends on the person.
  • Can photo wallpapers be washed?
  • No, because they are made of paper and washing can damage the image.
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