Wallpaper Stores Čukarica


1. Moje Tapete - Custom Photo Wallpaper

  • Stevana Filipovića 72A, 11250 Beograd (Čukarica)
  • Železnik
  • 063/690-134

2. Roma Company - Paints, Varnishes and Wallpaper Store

  • Lazarevački drum 21, 11030 Beograd (Čukarica)
  • Čukarička padina
  • 011/755-4463

Wallpaper Stores Čukarica

Painting, protection, and disinfection of walls are recommended every few years. If you want to decorate your walls while also protecting them from damage, cigarette smoke, stains, and grease, wall coverings are the right choice. A large selection of wallpapers for bedrooms and children's rooms, from the simplest monochromatic ones to those with completely surreal designs featuring animations and motifs from cartoons, nature, and the world's largest cities, are available in specialised wallpaper stores. In addition to wallpapers of various colours and textures, you can also purchase equipment for wallpapering such as special glues and brushes, and if you don't want to get your hands dirty, there are also increasingly popular self-adhesive wallpapers.

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