Elevator & Escalator Industry Čukarica


1. MKS Lift - Elevator Repair & Service

  • Buda Tomovića 26, 11147 Beograd (Čukarica)
  • Bele vode
  • 011/251-2316

Elevator & Escalator Industry Čukarica

In times of intensive urbanization and construction of high-rise buildings, planning, designing, and installing electric or hydraulic lifts and elevators in buildings represents an important segment of the construction industry. In front of you are companies engaged in the production and installation of passenger, freight, or car lifts in residential or commercial buildings, shopping centres, garages, and other public facilities. In addition to lifts, these companies also deal with the installation of escalators, i.e. moving stairs and belts, as well as other devices for horizontal, inclined or vertical transport of people and goods. See the locations of the companies with exact addresses and contact information on the list in front of you.

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