Dermatology Clinics Čukarica
1. Kaladerm - Dermatology Medical Center
- Ilije Stojadinovića 20, 11032 Beograd (Čukarica)
- Filmski grad
- 011/2310-904
2. Medical Laser Centar - Dermatology Medical Center
- Petra Mećave 33, 11030 Beograd (Čukarica)
- Banovo brdo
- 011/355-4288
Dermatology Clinics Čukarica
Dermatology clinics and dermatovenerology polyclinics treat a large number of skin disorders, allergic reactions, skin, sexually transmitted and hair and nail diseases that negatively affect your health. From teenage problems such as acne and pimples to the most severe forms of skin cancer (melanoma), dermatovenereology clinics treat and cure a whole range of skin disorders and venereal diseases, among which athlete's foot and numerous fungal infections, Lyme disease, seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis, viral infections such as herpes simplex or genital herpes, allergic eczema, warts and others are the most common. Skin biopsy and radio wave removal of moles, fibromas, and keratoses are just some of the surgical procedures provided by dermatology clinics in Belgrade, Novi Sad, and other cities in Serbia. Don't let your skin and health suffer, find the nearest dermatology clinic in your city.
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