Ćevap kod Dekija - National Cuisine Restaurant
- Strahinjića Bana 71, 11158 Beograd (Stari Grad)
- 064/0000-550
- All locations on the map (2)
- Managed by PlanPlus
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Working Hours
- Monday 09:00-01:00
- Tuesday 09:00-01:00
- Wednesday 09:00-01:00
- Thursday 09:00-01:00
- Friday 09:00-01:00
- Saturday 09:00-01:00
- Sunday 12:00-01:00
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On-street parking:
Zona 1 (crvena) (268 m)Zona 2 (žuta)Zona 3 (zelena) (119 m)
Parking garaža
Višnjićeva 10 (371 m)
Public transport
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If you have noticed an error in the published data, please contact us.
Frequently asked questions
- Does Ćevap kod Dekija - National Cuisine Restaurant have an English menu?
- Yes, Ćevap kod Dekija - National Cuisine Restaurant has an English menu.
- Is Ćevap kod Dekija - National Cuisine Restaurant suitable for groups?
- Yes, Ćevap kod Dekija - National Cuisine Restaurant is suitable for large groups.
- Is Ćevap kod Dekija - National Cuisine Restaurant a trendy place?
- Yes, Ćevap kod Dekija - National Cuisine Restaurant is considered a „trendy“ place.
- Does Ćevap kod Dekija - National Cuisine Restaurant accept debit or credit cards?
- Yes, Ćevap kod Dekija - National Cuisine Restaurant accepts debit or credit cards.
- Does Ćevap kod Dekija - National Cuisine Restaurant offer free Wi-Fi?
- Yes, Ćevap kod Dekija - National Cuisine Restaurant offers free Wi-Fi.
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