Iranian Cuisine Restaurants Belgrade


1. Persijski Princ Restaurant

  • Mileševska 39, 11118 Beograd (Vračar)
  • Crveni krst
  • 011/403-1701

Iranian Cuisine Restaurants Belgrade

Restaurants of Iranian cuisine belong to the group of exotic restaurants that offer their guests a large selection of authentic national and traditional dishes from the climate of Iran and Central Asia. Traditional specialities of chicken, lamb and beef combined with rice, fruit, vegetables and nuts, and the addition of characteristic Iranian aromas and spices, will make you feel the taste of ancient Persia in your city, at least for a short while. Try new tastes and get to know the gastronomic culture of Iran - make a reservation for lunch or dinner in the restaurants in front of you and discover the culinary secrets of the masters from the Middle East.

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