Damage Compensation Lawyers Belgrade

Radojević Beograd - Attorney at Law

1. Radojević Beograd - Attorney at Law

Vesković - Law Office

2. Vesković - Law Office

  • Ljutice Bogdana 1A, 11040 Beograd (Savski Venac)
  • Autokomanda
  • 011/2661-426

3. Aleksandar N. Đorđević - Attorney at Law

4. Bogdan Milenković - Attorney at Law

  • Kraljice Natalije 23A, 11000 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • 011/344-2521

5. Branislava Krnić - Attorney at Law

  • Trg Nikole Pašića 2, 11103 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • Terazije
  • 064/9999-511

6. Ivan Simić - Attorney at Law

  • Francuska 14, 11108 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • Skadarlija
  • 011/7248-928

7. Ivana Kesar - Attorney at Law

  • Nebojšina 32A, 11118 Beograd (Vračar)
  • Neimar
  • 011/3444-036

8. Luka Jovanović - Attorney at Law

  • Kraljice Natalije 45, 11000 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • London
  • 011/362-0804

9. Maja M. Markov - Attorney at Law

  • Mačvanska 25, 11118 Beograd (Vračar)
  • Čubura
  • 011/2457-076

10. Miloš Vlahović - Attorney at Law

  • Kneginje Zorke 56, 11111 Beograd (Vračar)
  • Grantovac
  • 011/2440-993

11. Nebojša Petrović - Attorney at Law

  • Ustanička 17, 11107 Beograd (Voždovac)
  • Dušanovac
  • 011/2400-537

12. Slavica Grahovac - Attorney at Law

  • Vojvode Milenka 34, 11000 Beograd (Savski Venac)
  • 011/3616-345

13. Slavica Janjić - Attorney at Law

  • Hajduk Veljkov venac 4-6, 11000 Beograd (Savski Venac)
  • 011/244-6977

14. Stefan B. Gečić - Attorney at Law

  • Krunska 78, 11111 Beograd (Vračar)
  • Krunski venac
  • 011/2444-869

15. Veljko M. Veličković - Attorney at Law

16. Željko Simić - Attorney at Law

  • Kneginje Zorke 94, 11111 Beograd (Vračar)
  • 063/304-305

17. Šarac & Jovanović - Law Office

  • Admirala Geprata 17, 11000 Beograd (Savski Venac)
  • 011/265-6263

18. Borović - Law Office

  • Đure Jakšića 5, 11000 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • 011/3283-414

19. Ćehović i saradnici - Law Firm

20. Dešević - Law Office

  • Miklošićeva 34, 11107 Beograd (Voždovac)
  • Pašino (Lekino) brdo
  • 066/034-797

21. Dimitrijević, Mirić i partneri - Law Firm

22. Dobrijević & Dobrijević - Law Office

  • Španskih boraca 48, 11073 Beograd (Novi Beograd)
  • Blok 28
  • 063/8730-094

23. Đorđević - Law Office

  • Ljermontova 19, 11107 Beograd (Voždovac)
  • Konjarnik 1
  • 011/288-6326

24. Đorđević & Đorđević - Law Office

  • Svetozara Markovića 81A, 11000 Beograd (Savski Venac)
  • 011/403-7130

25. Đukić - Law Office

  • Venizelosova 23, 11108 Beograd (Stari Grad)
  • Viline vode
  • 011/322-8071

26. Fila - Law Office

27. Golubović - Law Office

  • Vojvode Stepe 10, 11042 Beograd (Voždovac)
  • Činovnička kolonija
  • 011/2497-435

28. Ilievski i partneri - Law Firm

29. Ilinčić - Law Office

  • Mišarska 8, 11000 Beograd (Vračar)
  • Cvetni trg
  • 011/3349-658

30. Ivanić - Law Office

  • Bulevar vojvode Mišića 43, 11040 Beograd (Savski Venac)
  • Senjak
  • 060/7657-557

Damage Compensation Lawyers Belgrade

In legal terms, damages can be divided into two categories: material or non-material. The caused damage is the source of obligations - the source of liabilities. Liability for damages is reduced to the obligation of compensation, which usually implies monetary compensation for the damage. Material damages are intentionally or unintentionally caused damages, whether it is a matter of movable (traffic accidents) or immovable material goods. Compensation for material damages consists of restitution, i.e., the return of material goods to the state before the damage. Restitution can be natural, which is the re-establishment of the previous state, and monetary, which involves the amount that pays for the caused damage. Compensation for non-material damages can be eliminated in two ways - moral satisfaction and material satisfaction. Moral satisfaction represents a public apology, the publication of a judgment or corrections that caused non-material damage to the injured party and a violation of personal rights. Monetary compensation for non-material damages relates to cases of physical pain, mental suffering, injury to reputation, freedom or personal rights, death of a close person, pain and fear, abuse of subordinate relationships, as well as other acts against human dignity and morality. For legal proceedings for compensation for damages, the court is competent, and in these proceedings, a lawyer is necessary. If you have suffered or caused damage, seek legal assistance. Below is a list of law firms specialising in the process of compensation for damages.

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