
One of the worst experience in my life! I was so shocked with the service, that I had to make a video about it: To sum up: - The 'apartments' are actually a former GARAGE. - There is MOLD in rooms - NO air conditioning - The owner asks for your opinion on the war in former Yugoslavia. He is apparently a Serb who escaped from Croatia. He forces his opinions on war on you, and asks for your comment on war. Even though I never wanted to talk about war. - There is NO WATER in rooms! No hot, nor cold. He didn't pay the water bill! As a proof look at the video posted above. I left after 19 hours, and there was still no water. - Cherry on top: the owner asks you: 'Why do you speak with my wife?' His wife is 20 something years younger than him, and he seems to have some jealous frustrations. - Breakfast consists of two slices of bread with processed meat. - After my question about getting at least some money back, because there was no water at all, I got the answer: 'No money back. You can go to the street if you want'. Friendly advice: do not go there.
- 09-02-2019
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