The International School of Belgrade - Upper School Campus
- Banjičkih žrtava 6, Beograd (Savski Venac)
- 011/206-9999
Facts and Figures
Founded: 1948
Student Body: Around 460 students representing over 55 nationalities
Learning Environment: Experienced international faculty, state of the art learning technology, beautiful campus setting
Average Class size: 15
ISB has been the leading light in international education in Belgrade for over 70 years. ISB is a place where students are nurtured and guided to take ownership of their own learning, where students are engaged and active participants in real-world learning, critical thinking and problem solving. With 55 nationalities, we are a truly remarkable international school by any measure, preparing our students to be successful wherever they go in the world. We are ambitious and ensure all students make exceptional progress. Indeed, our International Baccalaureate results are consistently among the best in the world and our graduates go on to study at the world’s finest universities.
We are very proud of our school and facilities and we welcome everyone to come see our outstanding Primary School and Secondary School campuses.
The International School of Belgrade (ISB) is an independent, co-educational international day school that enrolls students ages three to eighteen. As an authorized IB World School, ISB provides a high-quality, college-preparatory education with an emphasis on internationalism and global responsibility. The curriculum is designed to serve a multi-national student body using English as the language of instruction. ISB admits students of expatriate families living in Belgrade, and Serbian students desiring an international education.
ISB students represent diverse cultural and national backgrounds, and share a commitment and passion to learning. Our challenging and diverse programs offer a quality international education with a global perspective. ISB relies on innovative and best instructional practice to ensure we address the varying learning styles of our students. Our students regularly gain entrance into competitive universities worldwide or successfully transition to other elementary or secondary schools along their educational paths.
ISB is accredited by The New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) and by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia. ISB is also a member of The Council of International Schools (CIS)
ISB is a collaborative learning community that inspires, equips and empowers its students to succeed and contribute positively to society.
We aspire to challenge and empower students through living the IB learner profile.
Academic Programs
International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program - PYP - Pre-Kindergarten – Grade 5
International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program - MYP - Grade 6 – 10
International Baccalaureate Diploma Program - DP - Grade 11 – 12
After School Activities - opportunity to think, explore and develop outside the academic boundaries of the school day
CEESA Activities & Athletics - a range of opportunities and experiences outside of the regular school curriculum to promote learning and growth in each individual
Action, Community & Service - We strive to develop our students’ sense of their community and their participation in its improvement.
College Placement - The goal of the college counseling program at ISB is to help students find the university that best fits their needs. Most ISB students apply to English-instruction universities in North America, the UK, and Europe. The first class graduated in 2006. All ISB graduates continue on to higher education with 100% of students going onto their first choice university. In 2020 our average IB score was 35 points. This is well above the world average of 29 points.
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