Advokat Predrag Milanović

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Potvrdi informacije


  • Ulično parkiranje:
    Zona 1 (crvena) (200 m)
    Zona 2 (zelena)
Javni prevoz
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alter alter
alter alter

i Hired them when I visited Niš, Serbia To get experienced people when starting a company They Helped me through the entire process, all from registering the company, translation so that everything I sign, I would understand , everything neccesarry to have the company ready to get live.  They are very knowledgeable regarding law, and will help you with any process with ease.  If you are a foreigner looking for reliable people, and get overwhelmed with all the alternative's you can choose. I would warmly recommend this law firm, the price is reasonable too.  // 5 Stars 

  • 24-04-2023
Napiši recenziju


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